Effect Of Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Positive Effect of MRI Usage      

  •     MRI scans produce very detailed diagnostic pictures of organs. MRI is similar with a Computerized Topography(CT) scan as it produces cross-sectional images of the body. Unlike CT scan, MRI does not use X-rays. Instead, it uses a strong magnetic field and radiowaves to produce very clear and detailed computerized images of inside the body. MRI is commonly used to examine the brain, spine, joints, abdomen and pelvis. A special kind of MRI exam, called magnetic MRI is commonly used to examine the brain, spine, joints, abdomen, and pelvis. A special kind of MRI exam, called Magnetic Resonance Angiography(MRA), examines the blood vessels. An MRI of the brain produce very detailed and almost clear pictures of the brain which is use to study problems as hearing loss, blurry vision, headaches and seizures of the patient. MRI is significant as it can also be used to further evaluate an abnormality seen on a CT scan.

The comparison between CT scan and MRI image

  •     MRI able to show unique and specific information that other tests are unable to show.  MRI of the abdomen is the most frequently used to look more specifically at an abnormality seen on another test, such as an ultrasound or a CT scan. The test is usually to look at liver, pancreas or adrenal glands. For woman, pelvic MRI provides a detailed look at the ovaries and uterus and is often to follow up an abnormality seen on ultrasound. It is also used to evaluate the spread of cancer of the uterus. For men, pelvic MRI is used to diagnosed prostate cancer. Besides that, bones and muscles of the pelvic can be test using pelvic MRI.
  •     MRI generally painless. MRI is a safe and painless test that uses a magnetic field and radio waves to produce detailed pictures of a body’s organs and structures. An MRI scanner consists of a large doughnut-shaped magnet that often has a tunnel in the central. Patients are placed on a table that slides into the tunnel. Some central have open MRI scanners that have large opening and are helpful for patients with claustrophobia which is a disease that fear of being enclosed in a small space or room.
  •     MRI do not use radiation therefore suitable for both pregnant women also children. Strong radio wave and magnetic field is use in MRI scan to create a very clear picture on a computer of tissues, organs and others structures inside the body. Hence, there will be no side effect to their patient. Therefore, it suitable for uses in children and pregnant women.                                                                                                                                                                                                                     

        Negative Effect Of MRI Usage

  •     Risks from metal objects. MRI scans almost considered as safe and easy procedure as it give their patient to do not have any implants or objects on their body that must not go into the scanner. MRI scanner that use powerful magnetic fields will attract metal object with great power and force. Therefore, you must remove all metallic thing on your body such as keys, jewellery and watches. Beside the magnetic field of MRI scanner can attract metal-containing object in your body for example such as aneurysm clips and medical pumps. In other test, medical implants may heat up during the scan because of radiofrequency energy that is used for MRI’s procedure. Defibrillation devices, heart pacemakers and cochlear implants to malfunction are the cause uses MRI scans.
    Strong magnetic field warning sign
  •       Risks in early pregnancy women. We often hear that MRI is one of the safer device for foetus than CT scans and X-ray. However, MRI can cause slightly warming of a body. Therefore, in the first 3-month pregnancy, avoid to take MRI scan unless the scan is essential to you. Besides that, instead of MRI scan, you can use other scans such as ultrasound.
    Gadolinium (contrast agent used)
  •        Risks associated with contrast media. In X-rays, contrast agents have been used but, in MRI scans contrast dye is use which gadolinium chelate does not contain iodine and can causes allergic reactions such as nausea, flushing, dizziness and rashes. Severe reaction, such as difficulty breathing and swelling of the lips and mouth are even rare. It is important for you to tell doctor and radiology practice about any previous allergic reactions you had, especially if you had a previous reaction to contrast media. You should tell the radiology practice before the procedure about all medicines you are taking. In very rare cases, gadolinium chelate injections can cause a serious condition called nephrogenic systematic fibrosis, which involves the build-up of fibrosis, which involves the build-up of fibrous tissue in skin, joints, muscles and internal organs to people with poor kidney function.
  •         Risks associated with general anaesthesia or sedation. Babies and children under 6 years old need to be given light general anaesthetic before the MRI. Good quality pictures from the scan usually hard to get as children usually unable to stay still although in a short time. Doctor should discuss the risks and benefits of the procedure especially when your child need to inject with anaesthetic before MRI scan.Not only a child, an adult who highly agitated or in pain make them hard to stay quietly and may need anaesthesia for MRI scan.



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